This is old web-site of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is no longer updated. The new website is available at new site IPMech RAS.
 Postgraduate Study
 institute structure
 Scientific Council
 Dissertation Council
 Administrative Departments
 conferencies, seminars
 "Flows and structures in fluids"
 "Aerothermodynamics and physical mechanics of classical and quantum systems"
 Staff Books
 organisations and commettee
 RNC on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
 Scientific Council on Robototechnics and Mechatronics RAS
 photo gallery

A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS carries out researches in conformity with the basic directions of scientific activity of the Institute, confirmed by the Decision of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences 144 from 18.03.2008:

  • general mechanics, dynamics of space bodies and operated devices;
  • theory and management methods dynamic systems;
  • creation and functioning of macro- and microrobotic, mechatronic complexes;
  • mechanics of fluid, gas and plasma; mechanics of combustion and explosion;
  • physical mechanics of gas discharge and laser technologies;
  • mechanics of solid body, physics and mechanics of deformation and destruction; mechanics composite and nanomaterials; tribology;
  • mechanicы of natural processes and environments; geomechanics;
  • mathematical and computational problems of mechanics and physics.
  © 2008-2015, A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS
e-mail : webmaster